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Medical- One Word question-answer- part-1

1.     Which oil is good for heart patients? Sunflower oil

2.     Which disease does not occur to those who drink hot water? Heart attack

3.     Name the organ that pumps blood in the human body – Heart

4.     What is the first organ that develops in an unborn child? Heart

5.     which body organ does not work for a few seconds when a human sneeze? Heart.   

6.     Endocrine gland found in the neck area – Thyroid gland. The endocrine glands secrete hormones.

7.     What does healthy blood consist of? Too many red cells

8.     Which radiation used to treat tumors in the medical field? Gamma rays

9.     Sound concentration that occurs when a man speaks normally – 60 db

10.Material needed for bones – Calcium

11.   River of life Blood.

12.PH value of blood – 7.3-7.5

13. How far does human blood travel in a day? 19,000km

14. What is the daily amount of human saliva? 1.5litters

15.Food that helps the body to grow – Protein. Which can provide growth – Proteins. Capable of providing growth.

16.Those that give energy y to the body – Carbohydrates, Fat

17. Regulators of physiological functions – Vitamins

18. Regulators of bodily movements – Mineral salts (or) Ore

19. Regulation of body heat - Water

20.The nervous system is made up of Neurons

21. Fat is a Phospholipid

22. How many times a minute does the man breathe? 12-15 times

23. The number of cells in the human body? 75 trillion

24. How many taste buds are there in the human tongue? 3,000

25. Total bone in human body? 206. New borne: 306. Total muscle – 639.

26. How many bones does a human face have? 14bones. 2unpaired and 6paired. These bones comprise the paired nasal bones, inferior nasal conchae, palatine bones, maxillae, zygomatic bones, lacrimal bones, and the unpaired mandible and vomer.

27. Total number of teeth in human? 32

28. Total length of human nerves? 72meters

29. Which organ has two parts, red and white pulp? Spleen

30. What’s the head of the head? Hypothalamus

31. Which is associated with creativity and cross-thinking? Right brain

32. How much copper is in the human brain? 6grams

33. The largest organ in our body? Skin

34. Largest gland in our body? Liver. Largest artery in our body? Aorta

35. The smallest muscleStapedius. Largest and longest bone in our body? Thigh bone. Smallest bone in our body? The stapes. The smallest bone in our body is the ear. The smallest bones in the human body are the malleus (hammer), incus (anvil), and the stapes (stirrup).

36. The reason for the blood to appear red – Hemoglobin

37. Who invented the sudden change? Hugo de vries

38. World AIDS day December01. World AIDS day observance day – December01

39. World Cancer day – February04. International childhood cancer day – February15

40. World Tuberculosis day – March24

41. World Health day – April07

42. International No Diet day – May06

43. World No Tobacco day – May31

44. World Blood Donor day – June14

45. International Yoga day – June21

46. International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking – June26

47.  National Doctor’s day (India) – July01

48. World Hepatitis day – July28

49. World Organ Donation day (India) – August13

50. World Heart day – September29

51. World Vegetarian day – October1

52. World Mental Health day – October10

53. Global Handwashing day – October15

54. World Food day – October16

55. World Polio day – October24

56. How much does a women’s uterus weigh? 60grams

57. How much does our head weigh? 3.175Kilo grams

58. How much does our skin weigh? 27Kilo grams    

59. Chemical messengers - Hormones

60. Where is urea produced in the body? Liver

61. The first organ to be affected by alcohol consumption - Liver

62. How many valves are in the heart of human body? Four

63. How many hairs are there on a human head? 90,000-1,50,000

64. What is the so-called queen of drugs? Penicillin

65. The minimum period of child birth in normal child birth – 40 weeks

66. What’s the color of a healthy person’s urine? Pale yellow. ClearVery good; Light yellowGood; YellowFair; Dark yellowLight dehydrated; AmberDehydrated; BrownVery dehydrated. Normal urination 6-8 times per day.

67. What changes occur in a woman’s body two months in once? Eyebrows.

68. Which disease can be caused by drinking filter water? Knee pain

69. Which part of the human body has the most bones? Hands

70. How many days interval of sex between husband and wife will improve heath? 3days

71. If you have intercourse on which day from the date of menstruation, you will have a male child? 6th day, 8th day, 10th day, 12th day, 14th day, 16th day or 18th day. (Note: NOT 100%. Chances are high.)

72. How many days after menstruation does ovulation occur again? 14 days

73. On which day does a woman get pregnant soon after menstruation? 12-16th day

74. At what age do women conceive twins? At the age of 35

75. At what age does a man produce sperm? 12-15years old

76.What does X stand for in X-ray? Unknown

77. Which vegetable purifies the blood? Cantaloupe

78. What is the name of the disease of being fear of men? AndrophobiaOverwhelming fear of dogsCynophobia. Hatred of god Theophobia.

79. Which animal fat is added to lipstick? Pig

80. What disease can be caused if we use fan too much? Sinus

81. Which disease is caused by lack of iron in the body? Anemia

82. What is the disease of those who drink tea daily? Mental stress, Agrypnia or Insomnia, Digestive disorder.

83. What is the disease of people who avoid sex? Heart attack

84. What will be the problem if you eat non-vegetarian food every day? Heart disease

85. What happens if you don’t wipe your body properly after showering? They will turn black if not wiped properly.

86. What happens if you shower your head every day? Hair loss

87. Which vitamin was first discovered? Vitamin A

88. What do people who talk to themselves usually look like? Smart  What are people born in June like? A person for romance (Note: Not 100%.)

89. Who discovered the rabies vaccine? Louis Pasteur

90. What is the acid found in human stomach? Hydrochloric acid. HCL, is also known as muriatic acid.

91. How many days can a human live without water? 3days

92. How much percent of our body weight is blood? 12%

93. In how many minutes does a healthy person fall asleep? In 7minutes

94. How many times a day a person poop is it healthy? 2-3times

95. How is the brain size of a male compared to the brain of a female? Big

96. How many times does the human lung expand and contract in a minute? 12-15 times

97. Which part of the donated eye is implanted in a visually impaired person? Cornea

98. What is the cause of frequent fart sound in human? Indigestion

99. What is the amount of electricity produced in humans at rest? 100watt

100.        How many years is one generation of human? 33years






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Arthritis is the swelling and tenderness of one or more joints. The main symptoms of arthritis are joint pain and stiffness, which typically worsen with age. Arthritis usually involves inflammation or degeneration of the joints.

Parts of a joint:

·        Soft tissue:

Joints get cushioned and supported by soft tissues that prevent the bones from rubbing against each other.

·        Articular cartilage:

A connective tissue called articular cartilage plays a key role. It helps the joints move smoothly without friction or pain.

·        Synovial membrane:

Some joints have a synovial membrane, a padded pocket of fluid that lubricate the joints.

·        Tendons:

Many joints, such as knees, get supported by tendons and ligaments. Tendons connect muscles to bones.

·        Ligaments:

Ligaments connect bones to other bones.

Types of arthritis:

·        Osteoarthritis

·        Rheumatoid arthritis

·        Psoriatic arthritis

·        Gout.

Causes of arthritis:

·        Have a family history of arthritis.

·        Genes or family history.

·        Wear and tear of a joint from overuse.

·        Autoimmune disorders.

·        Have a job or play a sport that puts repeated stress on the joints.

·        Injuries.

·        Muscle weakness.

·        Have certain autoimmune diseases or viral infections.

·        Obesity.

Symptoms of arthritis:

·        Pain.

·        Redness.

·        Stiffness.

·        Swelling.

·        Tenderness.

·        Warmth.

Symptoms of osteoarthritis:

·        Limited range of motion that sometimes goes away after movement

·        Clicking or popping with bending

·        Muscle weakness around the joint

·        Bony growths in the fingers

·        Instability or buckling of the joint

·        Grating or scraping feeling in the knees.

Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis:

·        Morning stiffness that can lost 30 minutes or more

·        More than one affected joint

·        Onset in smaller joints like feet and hands

·        Same joints on both sides of the body are affected

·        Fatigue

·        Inflammation of the eyes and mouth

·        Low red blood cell count

·        Low-grade fever

·        Inflammation of the heart muscle and blood vessels.   

Detection of arthritis:

X-ray, MRI or ultrasound.

·        Bone fractures or dislocations.

·        Cartilage breakdown around the joints.

·        Muscle, ligament or tendon injuries near the joints.

·        Soft tissue inflammation.


·        Avocado and soybean unsaponifiable may help osteoarthritis symptoms.

·        Fish oil and turmeric supplements may help reduce inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis.

However, you should talk with your doctor before taking any supplements for arthritis.

Treatment for arthritis:

·        Rest

·        Physiotherapy

·        Hot or cold compresses

·        Joint protection

·        Medications

·        Surgery to correct joint damage.

Surgical and other procedures:

1.     Cortisone injections:

·         Injections of a corticosteroid into the joint might relieve pain for a few weeks. Doctor numbs the area around the joint, then places a needle into the space within the joint and injects medication.

·         The number of cortisone injections you can receive each year is generally limited to three or four, because the medication can worsen joint damage over time.

2. Lubrication injections:

·         injections of hyaluronic acid might relieve pain by providing some cushioning in the knee, though some research suggests that these injections offer no more relief than a placebo.

·         Hyaluronic acid is similar to a component normally found in the joint fluid.

3. Realigning bones:

·         If osteoarthritis has damaged one side of the knee more than the other, an osteotomy might be helpful.

·         In a knee osteotomy, a surgeon cuts across the bone either above or below the knee, and then removes or adds a wedge of bone.

·         This shaft your body weight away from the worn-out part of the knee.

·        Fusion:

Two or more bones are permanently fused together. Fusion immobilizes a joint and reduces pain caused by movement.

·        Joint replacement:

·        A damaged, arthritic joint gets replaced with an artificial joint. Joint replacement preserves joint function and movement.

·        In joint replacement surgery, surgeon removes the damaged joint surfaces and replaces them with plastic and metal parts.

·        Artificial joints can wear out or come loose and might eventually need to be replaced.

Physiotherapy for arthritis:

Physiotherapy involving exercises that help strengthen the muscles around the affected joint is a core component of arthritis treatment.

Exercises for knee osteoarthritis:

Exercise No.1 Quad set:

·        Place a small rolled towel underneath the knee.

·        Slowly tighten the muscle on top of the thigh and push the back of the knee down into the rolled towel.

·        Hold contraction for 5 seconds and then slowly release, resting 5 seconds between each contraction.

·        Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions, 1 time daily.

No.2. Standing quadriceps stretch:

·        Stand next to a wall with the left hand on it for balance and bend the right knee to bring the foot up.

·        Reach behind with the right hand and grab the ankle. Then slowly pull the ankle up and back, away from the buttock.

·        Hold the stretch for 20 seconds twice on each side.

No. 3. Calf Stretch:

·        Stand facing the wall about two paces away and place both hands on the wall.

·        Step forward with the right foot but keep the left leg straight and extended back, with the heel on the ground.

·        Lean forward until you can feel the pull on the back of the left calf. Hold for 10 to 20 seconds three times for each leg.

·        To stretch the other main muscle in the calf, do the same stretch but bend the left knee slightly.

No. 4. Hamstring Stretch:

·        Loop a bed sheet around the right foot.

·        Use the sheet to help pull the straight leg up.

·        Hold for 20 seconds, then lower the leg.

·        Repeat twice. Then, switch legs.

No. 5. Straight leg Raise:

Build muscle strength to help support weak joints.

·        Lie on the floor, upper body supported by the elbows.

·        Bend the left knee, foot on the floor. Keep the right leg straight, toes pointed up.

·        Tighten the thigh muscles and raise the right leg.

·        Pause for 3 seconds. Keep the thigh muscles tight and slowly lower the leg to the ground. Touch and raise again.

·        Do two sets of 10 repetitions. Switch legs after each set. 

Exercises should avoid for Hip and Knee osteoarthritis:

·        Running, especially on uneven surfaces.

·        Tennis, basketball, and other activities where you change direction quickly.

·        Step aerobics and other workouts that involve jumping.

Gentle stretching exercises for Rheumatoid arthritis:

Rheumatoid arthritis may be relieved by gentle stretching that gets blood flowing and joint fluids moving.

1.     Gentle stretches for the wrist, Elbow, and Shoulder:

·        Brushing teeth, driving a car, and other everyday activities can be challenging when RA affects the wrists, elbows, or shoulders.

·        These exercises are designed to loosen up those joints and encourage better arm and wrist function.

2.     Wrist flexion and extension:

The carpal joints in the wrist are especially susceptible to rheumatoid arthritis inflammation.

·        Hold arms straight in front of you with palms facing down.

·        Make fists with the hands.

·        Flex wrists so that the fists move downward, then extend wrists so that the fists move up and back toward you.

·        Repeat 10 to 20 times.

3.     Wrist rotation:

·        Moving the fists backward and forward, rotate them in circles.

·        Alternate clockwise and counterclockwise.

4.     Forearm flip:

RA inflammation can cause the muscles and tendons in the forearms to get stiff.

·        Hold arms by the sides, with elbows bent at a 90degree angle and palms facing up.

·        Keeping elbows bent, flip the palms to face down.

·        Repeat 10 to 20 times.

5.     Biceps curls:

Bending and straightening the elbows through their full range of motion is good for joint mobility.

·        Sit or stand with arms down straight by the sides.

·        Bend at the elbow, using the biceps to bring both hands up to shoulder height.

·        Slowly return to starting position.

·        Repeat 10 to 20 times.


1.     Braces or shoe inserts:

·        Shoe inserts or other devices might help reduce pain when you stand or walk.

·        These devices can support the joint to help take pressure off it.

2. Capsaicin:

·         Topical capsaicin, a chili pepper extract, applied to the skin over an arthritic joint might help.

·         You might have to apply it three to four times a day for several weeks before you see a benefit.

·         Wash the hands well after applying capsaicin cream.




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