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 Exercises/Facial yoga

Before starting the exercise:

v Before starting the exercises, it is better to take green tea or apple juice.

v During exercise, our muscles use up the collagen in the body as the muscle contracts and expands. After exercising and not having for a long time, the body automatically burns and reduces the muscles.

v Therefore, eating easily digestible protein and heavy carbohydrate meals after exercising will increase muscle mass and give a good body structure. Taking a post workout supplement 30 minutes after the workout is most effective.

v You can take protein milkshake, chocolate milkshake for instant energy.

v If you’re going to exercise in the afternoon or at night, you should do it two hours after having. Half an hour before exercising, you can take some titbits.   

v After waking up, the body muscles are tight. If you work out during that time, the muscles will suffer. First of all, the muscles should be relaxed before the exercise.

Warmup exercise:

v Before starting the exercise, sit up straight in the chair and breathe deeply with a smile.

v Place the feet on the floor, place the palms on the thighs, close the eyes and inhale deeply for 10 times and exhale.


v The body gets the necessary oxygen.

v Increases body temperature and helps prepare for exercise.

Muscle relaxing exercises:

v Raise the right hand to shoulder height and push the fingers back with the left hand. Do the same for the left hand. It relaxes the elbow and biceps muscles.

v Fold the left hand and bring it behind the ear and press it to the right side with the right hand. Thus, the triceps muscles are relaxed.

v Fold the left leg backwards, hold it with the hand and press it to feel the stretch of the thigh muscles.

v In the warmup position, sit with your eyes open and take deep breaths. Exhale slowly and turn the neck to the left, inhale and come back to the old position and exhale. When turning the neck, hold for two seconds. Similarly, the right side, upper and lower neck should be turned and practiced. Do this exercise thrice. When the right hand is folded and placed on the left ear and slight pressure is applied to the right side, the neck region will relax.

v Stand straight and try to touch the big toe with both hands. By this, the tightness of the hind leg muscles is eased.

v Place the left leg on a slightly inclined surface and push the body forward. Do the same for the right leg. This will loosen the ankle.


Exercises for Spine straight:

1.     One leg standing:

v Stand straight. One should stand with the arms stretched out to the sides and the sides and the left leg folded as if limping. Then, it should return to the old state. This exercise is then repeated with the right leg. Do this 10times continuously.


v Helps straighten the spine.

v Helps to balance the body.

2.     Toe standing:

Stand straight. Lift only the heels without folding the legs. We should stand with our entire body weight supported on the front of the foot. Hold this position for 15 seconds. Then, it should return to the old state. Repeat this for 10 times.


v Helps straighten the spine.

v Helps balance the legs.

Frenkel exercises:

v Frenkel’s exercise is used to retrain proprioception and coordination, with particular focused on the lower limb; therefore, it was assumed that it would improve lower limb sensation and function in stroke patients with impaired sensory function.

v Frenkel’s exercises are used to bring back the rhythmic, smooth and coordinated movements.

v For those patients with the prerequisite abilities, they may be helpful in regaining control of movement through cognitive compensation strategies.

v Avoid fatigue. Perform each exercise not more than four times. Rest between each exercise.

Frenkel exercises for lower limb:

1.     Exercise for the legs in lying:

v Flex and extend one leg by the heel sliding down a straight line on the table.

v Abduct and adduct hip smoothly with knee bent and heel on the table.

v Abduct and adduct leg with knee and hip extended by sliding the whole leg on the table.

v Flex and extend hip and knee with heel off the table.

v Flex and extend both the legs together with the heel sliding on the table.

v Flex one leg while extending the other.

v Flex and extend one leg while taking the other leg into abduction and adduction.

v Heel of one limb to opposite leg.

v Heel of one limb to opposite knee, sliding down crest of tibia to ankle.

v Whether the patient slides the heels or lifts it off the bed he has to touch it to the marks indicated by the patient on the plinth.

2.     Exercises for the legs in sitting:

v One leg is stretched to slide the heel to a position indicated by a mark on the floor.

v The alternate leg is lifted to place the heel on the marked point.

v From stride sitting posture patient is asked to stand and then sit.

v Rise and sit with knees together.

v Sitting hip abduction and adduction.

3.     Exercises for the legs in standing:

v In stride standing weight is transferred from one foot to other.

v Place foot forward and backward on a straight line.

v Walk along a winding strip.

v Walk between two parallel lines.

v Walk sideways by placing feet on the marked point.

v Walk and turn around.

v Walk and change direction to avoid obstacles.

Frenkel exercises for upper limb:

v The patient flexes the right shoulder to 90 degree with elbow and wrist extended.

v The patient then takes his or her index finger and touches the tip of his or her nose. This exercise is then repeated with the left hand.

Exercises to promote movement and rhythm:

v Sitting: One hip flexion and adduction.

v Half lying: One leg abduction to bring knee to side of plinth, followed by one knee bending to put foot on floor, the movement is then reversed and repeated.

v Sitting: lean forward and take weight on feet, then sit down again.

v Standing: Arms swing forwards and backwards.

v Standing or walking: Bounce and catch, or throw and catch a ball.

Facial yoga for facial glow:

1.     Kapal Randhra Dhouti:

Kapal=Skull; Randhra=Hole or cavity; Dhouti=Cleansing of the skull. The amount of dust we inhale and adulterated food and poisonous drinks we are daily swallowing, clogging throughout biophysical mechanism is unavoidable. The cavities of the skull accordingly suffer from dust accumulation, pollutants, and accumulation of excess phlegm. Kapal Randhra Dhouti is very effective tool to combat everyday stresses and pollutants and its harmful effects.


Hands, neck, and face should be clean before you do this yoga.


·        Sit padmasana position or normally. Place thumb on one side of the temple. Using forefingers massage the forehead with the fingers.

·        Massage the area around the eyes in a circular motion using the index and middle fingers.

·        Place the thumb on the cheek and the remaining four fingers on the top of the cheek and apply slight pressure. Massage the cheeks in an upward direction. Put the hands on the cheeks and gently rub like washing the face.

·        Massage sides of the face and behind the ears back and forth.

·        Tilt the head back and place the hands up and down over the throat area. It should remain in this position for a few seconds. Then, it should return to the old state.


·        The face becomes radiant and the facial fat is reduced. This invigorating yogic facial massage stimulates the facial nerves and the blood circulation to the face is improved. This will render a natural facial glow over a period of time.

·        Helps in peace of mind.

·        Massaging thoroughly helps to reduce stress and thereby helping people suffering from insomnia, pre-mature aging, facial wrinkles etc.

·        Common problems office goers face such as headaches and migraines are reduced.

·        Nervous system has a chance to calm down, in this way kapal Randhra Dhouti also helps against depression.

2.     Smiling fish:

With a soft smile, it should be done as if pulling the chin in. Lips should be pursed like a fish. It should remain in this position for a few seconds. Then, it should return to the old state.

Blow kisses:

The head should be tilted back and gazed towards the sky. Now, accumulate the lips and place them as if giving a kiss. It may be in this position for a few seconds. Then, it should return to the old state. You can do this exercise 10 times with a little break.

Puppet Face:

Place two fingers above the lips and on either side of the nose. Push up and down gently to create resistance while simultaneously smiling. This exercise should be done above the lips only.

Surprise me:

Keep your face normal. Now, change the facial expression to look surprised. It should return to the old state. Do the same 5 times alternately.


v The face becomes radiant and the facial fat is reduced.

v Improves blood circulation in facial muscles.

v Helps reduce fat on cheeks.

3.     Kiss and Smile:


Push the lips out as much as you can, as if you are about to kiss and then smile broadly. Do at least 15 repetitions a day. This exercise works on the cheeks and chin simultaneously.


When use these muscles often and in a specific way, it can improve the downward drift to a youthful jawline and flushed cheeks.





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