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Asana to get rid of problems related to menstruation


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Asana to get rid of problems related to menstruation

When to do yoga?

·        After completing morning ablution, start yoga practice early in the morning. Only then the food is digested and the stomach is empty. Then practicing yoga will be easier.

·        Can be done in the evening. But it should be at least 3 hours after having.

·        Drinks such as tea, coffee can be done after half an hour of eating.

·        Don’t do yoga on the bare floor. It should be done on the yoga mat.

·        Yoga should not be done when tired and before sleep.

·        You can also skip yoga when you are sick.

·        People suffering from diseases like asthma, blood pressure, diabetes etc. should do yoga after the advice of doctors and yoga experts.

Before and after doing yoga:

·        Before getting ready for yoga, close the eyes, place the chin mudra on your hands, and observe the breath 10times.

·        After completing the yoga, one should sit cross-legged and breathe out naturally with folded hands.

1.     Halasana (Plough pose):

·        Lie on the floor in a supine position, with the arms along the body and palms facing down, bend the knees and jolt the legs up and back, bringing the bent knees towards the forehead and placing the hands under the hips.

·        Keep the upper body perpendicular to the floor and legs completely extended.

·        To get the holistic benefits of the pose, move the legs as far off from the head. At this pose, pressure is set on the thyroid glands.

·        Intertwine the fingers of the hands behind the back and mildly squeeze the shoulder together. You may also slide the arms overhead and clutch the toes.

·        Stay in this position holding breath for 4-10 counts depending on the comfort level.

·        Finally, exhale slowly and retrieve the legs from behind the back and place them perpendicular to the mat.

·        Return to supine position once again and repeat this 3-4 times.


·        Women can get rid of menstrual related problems.

·        Good remedy for constipation, gas problems, thyroid problems.

·        Hair loss, gray hair is prevented.

·        Best asana for indigestion, loss of appetite etc.

·        Body weight will be reduced.


·        People with back pain and neck pain should avoid this asana.

2.     Dhanurasana (Bow pose):

·        Lie on the stomach with the feet apart, in line with the hips, and arms by the side of the body.

·        Fold the knees, take the hands backward, and hold the ankles.

·        Breathe in, lift the chest off the ground, and pull the legs up and towards the back.

·        Look straight ahead with a smile on the face.

·        Keep the pose stable while paying attention to the breath. Body is now curved and as taut as a bow.

·        Continue to take long, deep breath as you relax in this pose, but bend only as far as your body permits you to. Don’t overdo the stretch.

·        After 15 to 20 seconds, as you exhale, gently bring the legs and chest to the ground. Release the ankles and relax.


·        Menstrual problems for women will be cured.

·        Body weight will be reduced.

·        Indigestion and constipation problems will be cured.

·        Lungs are well strengthened. Thus, will cure cold, sinus and cough problems.

·        Bedwetting problem in children will be cured.

·        If there are kidney disorders, it will get better.


·        People who have ulcer, have undergone stomach surgery should do this asana as per the advice of physiotherapist.

3.     Chakrasana (Wheel pose):

·        Lie on the back with the feet hip width apart and bend the knees.

·        Reach the arms overhead and bend the elbows, placing the palms flat on the floor next to the ears, with the fingers pointing forward.

·        On an inhale, lift the hips.

·        Exhale and pause.

·        Inhale, press into the hands, and try to pause with the crown of the head on the floor with the elbows bent. If pressing the arms straight causes strain in the neck or lower back, stay here.

·        Straighten the arms as much as you can.

·        Straighten the legs as much as you comfortably can. Breathe!

·        Some people find it helpful to walk their feet back toward their head. Check in with the lower back after any adjustments you make.

·        To come down, tuck the chin slightly, bend the elbows, and return to the crown of the head.

·        Lower all the way down onto the back of the head, and lower the arms by the sides.


·        A good remedy for menstrual problems in women.

·        Improves spinal flexibility.

·        The nervous system in our body becomes stronger.

·        As the stomach tightens, the body weight will decrease.

·        Indigestion will get better.

·        Hands and joints will be strengthened.

·        Improves visual acuity and facial radiance.


·        People with weak wrists should avoid this asana.

4.     Paschimottanasana (Seated forward bend pose):

·        Sit erect, with the legs, stretched out in front of you. Make sure that the toes are flexed towards you.

·        Inhale and raise the arms over the head. Stretch.

·        Exhale and bend forward. Feel the fold from the hip joints. Chin should move towards the shins.

·        Stretch out the arms, and let them reach the furthest they can, possibly till the toes. But make sure that you don’t stretch too far.

·        Inhale. Then, lifting the head slightly, elongate the spine.

·        Exhale and move the navel towards the knees.

·        Repeat this a few times. Then, place the head on the legs, and hold the pose.

·        Inhale and come up back to the sitting position with the arms stretched out.

·        Exhale and lower the arms.


·        Menstrual problem will be cured.

·        Strengthens the digestive organs and keeps them functioning smoothly.

·        Relieves constipation.

·        Insulin is secreted properly and controls diabetes.

·        Body weight will be reduced.

·        Stretches: Vertebral column, Shoulders, Hamstrings.

·        Strengthens: Back, Spine.

5.     Chakki Chalanasana (Mill churning pose):

·        Begin the practice by getting into the Dandasana (Staff pose). Legs and back should be erect here.

·        Now, slowly bring space between the legs as wide as possible and hands-on the waist or can be placed beside the hips to assist widening of the legs.

·        After setting up of legs, raise the hands up to the sternum level. Clasp the hand into each other just as you are holding a stick in wheel.

·        Now, inhale and engage the core, calves, thighs to move the upper body forward to the right side.

·        This is the beginning point to form an imaginary circle. Now, exhale to come in a backward direction to the left side.

·        Afterward, change the direction from clockwise to counter clockwise and vice versa. Maintain here and keep making the circle for 10 to 15 minutes.

·        As you finished the practice, bring the clasped hand in the center, and then, back to the previous position. Bring legs together by decreasing the space in between and finally into the Dandasana, then relax.


·        Corrects irregular menstruation. Pelvic muscles get stronger. Reduces the flank fat of the waist and belly fat.

·        Digestive organs are stimulated and functioning smoothly.

·        Especially good for reproductive organs.

·        As diabetics continue to do so, changes occur.


·        This yoga will help in getting the body in proper shape after delivery. After the doctor’s advice, this asana can be done.

·        Heart patients, people with heart blockage, spinal cord problems, eye pressure, seizures, dizziness should avoid this asana.                                  

6.     Salabhasana (The Locust pose):

Ø Lie on the yoga mat in a prone position.

Ø Make sure the stomach and the face touch the ground and keep both the legs together.

Ø Hands should be placed under the thighs, along with the body.

Ø Then make sure the chin alone touches the floor.

Ø Inhale breathe deeply and slowly and lift both the legs slowly as much as possible.

Ø Remain in that position for about 20 seconds and then exhale the breath slowly and come back to the normal stage. Inhale for 2 seconds, after lifting the back fully hold it for 4 seconds, then release in 2seconds.


Ø It helps in correcting the menstrual problems and leads to a normal cycle.

Ø Good remedy for back pain, hip pain problem. Spinal cord will be well strengthened.

Ø It helps to reduce the excessive abdominal muscles.

Ø It gives good solution to constipation problem.

Ø It strengthens the neck muscles and rectifies the neck pain, defects in the neck joints.

Ø It helps in rectifying the urinary disorders and gives relief. Gives good results for hemorrhoids.                                                                                                            

7.     Ardha Chakrasana (Half wheel pose):

Ø Stand straight in Tadasana (Mountain pose) with legs together or a foot apart as per your comfort; feet and knee should be parallel to each other and face the front.

Ø Place the palms on the lower back; fingers may point downward or upward as per your comfort.

Ø Hold the body tall; palms firmly against the lower back.

Ø While inhaling, contract the hips, push them into the pelvis; contract the lower abdomen to the spine and raise it up.

Ø Simultaneously raise the ribs and chest up; also stretch the neck and chin up and gradually stretch and drop the head at the back so that the chin is facing the ceiling.

Ø The whole abdominal region and chest are protruding forward forming a deep arch at the back; lower back is firm and rigid and free from any kind of pressure.

Ø Feet should be firm and legs stretched; knee caps and thighs are lifted up.

Ø Maintain the holding for half a minute with normal breathing; exhale and gradually return back to normal position without any jerk.

Ø Repeat for 3-5 times.


Ø Effective to relieve menstrual disorders.

Ø LBA is relieved.

Ø Effective to reduce stomach and thighs fat.

Ø Lower abdomen will get health.

Ø Improves lung capacity.

Ø Pains in the neck and shoulders will get better.

Ø Tones arms, thighs, waist, and shoulders.

Ø Cardiac function is normalized.

Ø Cures respiratory disorders.

Ø Blood pressure problem will be cured.

Ø Stimulates abdominal organs.

Ø Strengthens the uterus.


Ø Don’t do it when you have a headache.

Ø People with fainting problems shouldn’t do this.

Ø Don’t do it if you are fainting.

Ø People with nerve related problems should also not do this.


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