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Asana for Back pain

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Asana for Back pain

1.     Ardhakati Chakrasana:

Ø Stand up straight with your legs together and press the heels and feet on the floor. Keep the body well-balanced on both legs. This position is called Tadasana.

Ø While inhaling, slowly raise the right hand vertically above the head, until the biceps touch the right ear. Don’t forget to keep the palm facing the left side.

Ø Exhale and bend the upper body to the left. Slide the left hand down, alongside the left leg. Bend laterally. The left palm slides down along the left thigh as far as possible.

Ø Give a full side stretch but don’t bend the right elbow or the knees.

Ø Remain in that position at least for 30 seconds. Keep breathing normally.

Ø Inhale, while slowly moving the torso and arm to come back to the normal posture. Feel the pull along a straight line from the waist up to the fingers.

Ø Exhale slowly brings the right arm sideways down. Bring the hand down to this position.

Ø Come back to the Mountain pose, the starting position for most of the standing poses.

Ø This asana should be done three times per side for a total of six times.


Ø Back pain and constipation problems will be cured.

Ø Reduce the fat in abdomen region.

Ø Pelvic muscles become stronger.

Ø Improves function of Liver.

2.     Ardha Matsyendrasana:

Ø Start Ardha Matsyendrasana by sitting in Dhandasana. Legs must be stretched in front.

Ø Flex the right knee and place the right foot outside the left knee.

Ø Bend the left knee and bring the left foot around the right hip.

Ø Inhale deeply and raise the left arm as you twist the torso. Pass the left arm around the outer edge of the right knee.

Ø Hold the right foot with the left hand so that the right knee is closer to the left armpit.

Ø Inhale deeply and while keeping the back straight, raise the right arm in the front and gaze ahead.

Ø Exhale and continue twisting towards the right.

Ø Fix the gaze towards the right and look past the right shoulder.

Ø Hold the pose for 30-40 seconds.

Ø Return to the starting position and repeat on the left side.


Ø Reduces sciatica pain. People with severe back pain should avoid this asana.

Ø Improves digestion.

Ø Hip muscles will decrease.

Ø Weight loss.

Ø Helps the prostate gland to function well.

Ø It secrets insulin properly and controls the sugar level in the body.

Ø Helps the kidney to function well.

3.     Salabhasana:

Ø Lie on the yoga mat in a prone position.

Ø Make sure the stomach and the face touch the ground and keep both the legs together.

Ø Hands should be placed under the thighs, along with the body.

Ø Then make sure the chin alone touches the floor.

Ø Inhale breathe deeply and slowly and lift both the legs slowly as much as possible.

Ø Remain in that position for about 20 seconds and then exhale the breath slowly and come back to the normal stage. Inhale for 2 seconds, after lifting the back fully hold it for 4 seconds, then release in 2seconds.


Ø Good remedy for back pain, hip pain problem. Spinal cord will be well strengthened.

Ø It helps to reduce the excessive abdominal muscles.

Ø It gives good solution to constipation problem.

Ø It strengthens the neck muscles and rectifies the neck pain, defects in the neck joints.

Ø It helps in rectifying the urinary disorders and gives relief.

Ø Gives good results for hemorrhoids.

Ø It helps in correcting the menstrual problems and leads to a normal cycle.             

4.     Ardha Chakrasana:

Ø Stand straight in Tadasana with legs together or a foot apart as per your comfort; feet and knee should be parallel to each other and face the front.

Ø Place the palms on the lower back; fingers may point downward or upward as per your comfort.

Ø Hold the body tall; palms firmly against the lower back.

Ø While inhaling, contract the hips, push them into the pelvis; contract the lower abdomen to the spine and raise it up.

Ø Simultaneously raise the ribs and chest up; also stretch the neck and chin up and gradually stretch and drop the head at the back so that the chin is facing the ceiling.

Ø The whole abdominal region and chest are protruding forward forming a deep arch at the back; lower back is firm and rigid and free from any kind of pressure.

Ø Feet should be firm and legs stretched; knee caps and thighs are lifted up.

Ø Maintain the holding for half a minute with normal breathing; exhale and gradually return back to normal position without any jerk.

Ø Repeat for 3-5 times.


Ø LBA is relieved.

Ø Effective to reduce stomach and thighs fat.

Ø Lower abdomen will get health.

Ø Improves lung capacity.

Ø Pains in the neck and shoulders will get better.

Ø Tones arms, thighs, waist, and shoulders.

Ø Cardiac function is normalized.

Ø Cures respiratory disorders.

Ø Blood pressure problem will be cured.

Ø Stimulates abdominal organs.

Ø Strengthens the uterus.

Ø Effective to relieve menstrual disorders.


Ø Don’t do it when you have a headache.

Ø People with fainting problems shouldn’t do this.

Ø Don’t do it if you are fainting.

Ø People with nerve related problems should also not do this.

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