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Asanas for
weight loss
1. Halasana:
Lie on the floor in a supine
position, with the arms along the body and palms facing down, bend the knees
and jolt the legs up and back, bringing the bent knees towards the forehead and
placing the hands under the hips.
Keep the upper body perpendicular to
the floor and legs completely extended.
To get the holistic benefits of the
pose, move the legs as far off from the head. At this pose, pressure is set on
the thyroid glands.
Intertwine the fingers of the hands
behind the back and mildly squeeze the shoulder together. You may also slide
the arms overhead and clutch the toes.
Stay in this position holding breath
for 4-10 counts depending on the comfort level.
Finally, exhale slowly and retrieve
the legs from behind the back and place them perpendicular to the mat.
Return to supine position once again
and repeat this 3-4 times.
Body weight will be reduced.
Good remedy for constipation, gas
problems, thyroid problems.
Hair loss, gray hair is prevented.
Best asana for indigestion, loss of
appetite etc.
Women can get rid of menstrual
related problems.
People with back pain and neck pain
should avoid this asana.
2. Chakrasana:
Lie on the back with the feet hip
width apart and bend the knees.
Reach the arms overhead and bend the
elbows, placing the palms flat on the floor next to the ears, with the fingers
pointing forward.
On an inhale, lift the hips.
Exhale and pause.
Inhale, press into the hands, and try
to pause with the crown of the head on the floor with the elbows bent. If
pressing the arms straight causes strain in the neck or lower back, stay here.
Straighten the arms as much as you
Straighten the legs as much as you
comfortably can. Breathe!
Some people find it helpful to walk
their feet back toward their head. Check in with the lower back after any
adjustments you make.
To come down, tuck the chin slightly,
bend the elbows, and return to the crown of the head.
Lower all the way down onto the back
of the head, and lower the arms by the sides.
As the stomach tightens, the body
weight will decrease.
Improves spinal flexibility.
The nervous system in our body
becomes stronger.
As the stomach tightens, the body
weight will decrease.
Indigestion will get better.
A good remedy for menstrual problems
in women.
Hands and joints will be
Improves visual acuity and facial
People with weak wrists should avoid
this asana.
Sit erect, with the legs, stretched
out in front of you. Make sure that the toes are flexed towards you.
Inhale and raise the arms over the
head. Stretch.
Exhale and bend forward. Feel the
fold from the hip joints. Chin should move towards the shins.
Stretch out the arms, and let them
reach the furthest they can, possibly till the toes. But make sure that you
don’t stretch too far.
Inhale. Then, lifting the head
slightly, elongate the spine.
Exhale and move the navel towards the
Repeat this a few times. Then, place
the head on the legs, and hold the pose.
Inhale and come up back to the
sitting position with the arms stretched out.
Exhale and lower the arms.
Menstrual problem will be cured.
Strengthens the digestive organs and
keeps them functioning smoothly.
Relieves constipation.
Insulin is secreted properly and
controls diabetes.
Body weight will be reduced.
Stretches: Vertebral column,
Shoulders, Hamstrings.
Strengthens: Back, Spine.
4. Padahastasana:
Distance the legs hip-width apart.
Inhale and slowly raise the arm
upwards. Stretch the body upwards as well.
Exhale and slowly bend the trunk
forward from the hips till the hands reach the feet.
Next, touch the ground with hands.
Loosen up the shoulders and let the
arms relax. Take a few slow breaths.
Knees must remain straight. The back
ought to be concave not hunched.
Take long and deep breaths. Relax the
body. Stay in this position for as long as you feel comfortable.
Repeat this, three times.
Best asana for weight loss. Reduces
unnecessary fat around the stomach.
Strengthen back, neck and shoulder.
Relaxes a stiff spine.
Improves the function of liver and
The bones of the spine become
Enhance sexual health.
Gives health to digestive system.
Relieves stress and anxiety.
Blood flow to the brain is
Strengthen calves, hamstrings and
People with back pain should not do
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