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Diabetes - Home remedies


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Diabetes- Questions and answers

1.     Do processed foods always raise your blood sugar levels?


§  Chemically processed foods also called as ultra-processed foods, tend to be high in sugar. Chemically processed foods often only contain refined ingredients and artificial substances, with little nutritional value. They tend to have added chemical flavouring agents, colours, and sweeteners.

§  Mechanical processing - such as grinding beef, heating vegetables, or pasteurizing foods does not necessarily make foods unhealthful.

§  Highly processed foods that are high in calories and low in vitamins, minerals, and fibre break down quickly in the body and can cause a rapid rise in blood sugar levels.

§  If the processing does not add chemicals or ingredients, it does not tend to lessen the healthfulness of the food.

Ultra-processed foods:

§  Frozen or ready meals.

§  Packaged breads.

§  Breakfast cereals.

§  Candy and ice cream.

§  Reconstituted meats, such as sausages, nuggets, fish fingers, and processed ham.

§  Processed cheese products.

§  Crackers and chips.

§  Instant noodles and soups.

§  Sodas and other sweetened drinks.

2.     Iodine can cure type 2 diabetes?


§  Iodine, chromium, goose berry, cinnamon, and seaweed healthy blood sugar levels and prevent insulin resistance through a wide variety of related and complementary mechanisms.

§  Excessive iodine intake may result in elevated blood glucose and blood pressure and has some influence on blood lipids, and may increase the risk of diabetes and hypertension.


3.     Is type 2 diabetes a disability?


·        Type 2 diabetes is an invisible disability. Diabetes is considered a disability under federal law.

·         If diabetes has caused skin or nerve conditions or organ damage that limits activity or ability to walk, stand, or use your hands, you may be able to get disability benefits.

·         There are two types of benefits:

1.     SSDI (Social Security Disability Income) for people who have a work history.

2.     SSI (Supplemental Security Income) which does not require a previous work history.

Diabetic retinopathy:

·         This refers to a significant loss of peripheral vision or visual acuity in the better of two eyes due to blood vessel damage.

·         For this condition to merit disability benefits, the person must have a level of visual impairment close to the blindness.

Symptoms of diabetic retinopathy:

·         Blurred vision that does not improve with glasses.

·         Vision that worsens, improves, then worsens again.

·         Sudden loss of vision, particularly following events such as coughing or sneezing.

·         Seeing “cobwebs”, “spots” or a “hole” in your field of vision.

·         Eye pain.

4.     Is there any permanent cure for diabetes by using home remedies?


1.     Indian goose berry juice:


·         Goose berry

·         Water


·         Take 2 Indian goose berries. Grind it properly.

·         Add one glass of water to the mixture.

·         Add salt for the taste and drink the juice.

2. Curry leaf juice:


·         Curry leaves

·         Cinnamon

·         Ginger

·         Fenugreek seeds

·         Water


·         Take 2 to 3 glasses of water.

·         Add 8/9 curry leaves to it.

·         Take 1 stick of cinnamon and add it.

·         Add little ginger and boil all the ingredients on medium flame until it becomes half of it.

·         Consume the entire portion in two parts.

·         Measure the sugar levels after consuming the first part of the portion.


·         One of the above mentioned two should be consumed on an empty stomach instead of morning coffee for 45 days.

·         Blood sugar levels should be checked before and after 45 days.

·         Share your views in comment or email.

5.     What are the problems faced by diabetes patients?


Chronic complications:

1.     Retinopathy:

·         Some people with diabetes develops an eye disease called diabetic retinopathy which can affect their eyesight.

·         if retinopathy is picked up

-Usually from an eye screening test.

-It can be treated and sight loss prevented.

-Eye problems:

·         Diabetic retinopathy - Damage to blood vessels in the retina.

·         Cataract - Clouding of the lens.

·         Glaucoma - Increase in fluid pressure in the eye.

2. Herat attack and stroke:

·         When you have diabetes, high blood sugar for a period of time can damage the blood vessels.

·         This can lead to heart attacks and strokes.

3. Foot problems:

·         Diabetes foot problems are serious and can lead to amputation if untreated.

·         Nerve damage can affect the feeling in the feet and raised blood sugar can damage the circulation, making it slower for sores and cuts to heal.

4. Neuropathy:

·         One of the most common diabetes complications, nerve damage can cause numbness and pain.

·         Some people with diabetes may develop nerve damage caused by complications of high blood sugar levels.

·         This can make it harder for the nerves to carry messages between the brain and every part of our body so it can affect how we see, hear, feel and move.

5. Nephropathy:

·         Diabetes can cause damage to the kidneys over a long period of time making it harder to clear extra fluid and waste from the body.

·         This is caused by high blood sugar levels and high blood pressure. It is known as diabetic nephropathy or kidney disease.

·         High blood sugar levels can damage the kidneys and cause chronic kidney disease. If not treated, CKD can lead to kidney failure.

6. Cancer:

·         If you have diabetes, you’re more at risk of developing certain cancers.

·         And some cancer treatments can affect the diabetes and make it harder to control the blood sugar.

7. Gum disease:

·         Too much sugar in the blood can lead to more sugar in the saliva.

·         This brings bacteria which produces acid which attacks the tooth enamel and damages the gums.

·         The blood vessels in the gums can also become damaged, making gums more likely to get infected.

8. Sexual problems in men:

·         The amount of blood flowing to the sexual organs can be restricted which may cause you to have difficulty getting aroused.

·         It may lead to erectile dysfunction, sometimes called impotence.

9. Sexual problems in women:

·         Damage to blood vessels and nerves can restrict the amount of blood flowing to the sexual organs so you can lose some sensation.

·         If you have high blood sugar, you are also more likely to get thrush or a urinary tract infection.

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