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Click here for Exercises for sciatica with pictures
Questions and Answers
1. Does exercise help with painful sciatica symptoms?
Exercise helps ease sciatica pain.
The sciatic nerve begins at the lower back, hips,
and buttocks, going down each of the legs and bending at the knees.
Sciatica pain can also happen due to a condition
called piriformis syndrome.
v reclining
pigeon Pose
v forward
pigeon Pose
v sitting
pigeon Pose
v knee to
opposite shoulder
v sitting
spinal Stretch
v basic
seated Stretch
v Standing
piriformis Stretch
v scissor
hamstring Stretch
1. Reclining pigeon pose (Supta kapotasana):
It works to open the hips.
v While on
your back, bring the right leg up to a right angle. Clasp both the hands behind
the thigh, locking you fingers.
v Lift the
left leg and place the right ankle on top of the left knee.
v Hold the
position for a moment. This helps stretch the piriformis muscle, which
sometimes becomes inflamed and presses against the sciatic nerve, causing pain.
v Do the same
exercise with the other leg.
Forward pigeon pose:
v Kneel on
the floor on all fours.
v Pick up the
right leg and move it forward on the ground in front of the body. Right foot
should be in front of the left knee while the right knee stays to the right.
v Stretch the
left leg out all the way behind you on the floor, with the top of the foot on
the ground and toes pointing back.
v Shift the
body weight gradually from the arms to legs so that the legs are supporting the
weight. Sit up straight with the hands on either side of the legs.
v Take a deep
breath. While exhaling, lean the upper body forward over the front leg. Support
the weight with the arms as much as possible.
v Repeat on
the other side.
Sitting pigeon pose:
v Sit on the
floor with the legs stretched out straight in front of you.
v Bend the
right leg, putting the right ankle on top of the left knee.
v Lean
forward and allow the upper body to reach toward the thigh.
v Hold for 15
to30 seconds. This stretches the glutes and lower back.
v Repeat on
the other side.
Knee to the opposite shoulder:
- This stretch helps relieve sciatica pain by loosening the gluteal and
piriformis muscles.
v Lie on the
back with the legs extended and the feet flexed upward.
v Bend the
right leg and clasp the hands around the knee.
v Gently pull
the right leg across the body toward the left shoulder. Hold it there for 30
seconds. Remember to pull the knee only as for as it will comfortably go. You
should feel a relieving stretch in your muscle, not pain.
v Push your
knee so your leg returns to its starting position.
v Repeat for
a total of 3 reps, then switch legs.
5. Ardha Masyendrasana
(Sitting spinal stretch):
Sciatica pain is triggered when vertebrae in the
spine compress. It helps create space in the spine to relieve pressure on the
sciatic nerve.
Start Ardha Matsyendrasana by sitting in
Dhandasana. Legs must be stretched in front.
v Flex the
right knee and place the right foot outside the left knee.
v Bend the
left knee and bring the left foot around the right hip.
v Inhale
deeply and raise the left arm as you twist the torso. Pass the left arm around
the outer edge of the right knee.
v Hold the
right foot with the left hand so that the right knee is closer to the left
v Inhale
deeply and while keeping the back straight, raise the right arm in the front
and gaze ahead.
v Exhale and
continue twisting towards the right.
v Fix the
gaze towards the right and look past the right shoulder.
v Hold the
pose for 30-40 seconds.
v Return to
the starting position and repeat on the left side.
v Reduces
sciatica pain. People with severe back pain should avoid this asana.
v Improves digestion.
v Hip muscles
will decrease.
v Weight
v Helps the
prostate gland to function well.
v It secrets
insulin properly and controls the sugar level in the body.
v Helps the
kidney to function well.
6. Basic seated stretch:
v You begin
this stretch by sitting down on a chair and crossing the painful leg over the
knee of the other leg.
v Bend
forward with the chest and try to hold the spine straight. As long as it is not
painful, try to bend over a bit more. stop if you feel any pain.
v Keep this
position for 30 seconds and repeat the exercise with the other leg.
7. Standing piriformis stretch:
- This standing stretch that can help with sciatica pain.
- You can do this without support if you are able, or you can stand
against a wall and place the feet about 24 inches from the wall.
v Put the painful leg over the knee of the other
leg while standing. Bend the standing leg and try to make the number 4 with the
hips lowered to the ground at a 45degree angle.
v Bend the waist down and swing the arms down
while holding the back straight. Stay in position for 30 to 60 seconds.
v Switch the legs and repeat.
8. Scissor hamstring stretch:
- The ischial tuberosity, also known as the sit or sitz bones, begins at
the ischium, which is one of the parts that make up the pelvic girdle along
with the ilium and the pubis.
- The hamstring muscles attach to the ischial tuberosity via the Sacro tuberous
ligament. This stretch can help loosen those hamstring muscles, helping relieve
their pressure on the sciatic nerve.
v Place the right
foot about 3 feet behind the left foot.
v Pull the
hips forward and push the shoulders back, but the right hip shouldn’t be
farther forward than the left hip.
v Put the
hands on the hips. you may use a chair for balance if you need it.
v Push the
torso a bit over the front leg by bending the waist while keeping the back
straight. Keep the weight on the front leg.
v keep this
position for 5 to 10 seconds, then repeat the stretch with the opposite leg. Do
the stretch for each leg 3 to 5 times.
What are the strange
home remedies for Sciatica?
Garlic Milk:
Take one tumbler of
milk, 1/2 tumbler of water, and 5 cloves of garlic. Crush the garlic and add milk
and water to boil. Then take it out and let it cool for a while and add honey
to taste and drink it. If you drink a glass of garlic milk daily, you’ll get
good results.
Gatyatmak Meru Vakrasana:
v Spread a yoga mat and sit on it with both legs outstretched.
v Separate the legs as far apart as is comfortable without
v Stretch the arms sideways at the same level as that of
shoulders. This is the initial position.
v Note that the knees shouldn’t bend throughout the practice.
v Exhale and turn to the left and bring the right hand towards the
left big toe.
v Keep the arms straight.
v Stretch the left arm behind the back, twisting the trunk to the left,
keeping both the arms in a straight line.
v Turn the head to the left and fix the gaze at the middle finger of the
left outstretched hand.
v Inhale and return to the starting position.
v Exhale and turn in the right direction bringing the left hand down
towards the right big toe while practicing the pose.
v Stretch the straight right arm behind the back, twisting the trunk to
the right and keeping the arms in a straight line.
v Turn the head to the right and gaze at middle finger of the right
outstretched hand.
v Inhale and return to the initial position. This completes one round of
Gatyatmak Meru Vakrasana.
v Practice 10 rounds of the Dynamic spinal twist pose.
v Start slowly and then gradually increase the speed while practicing this
yoga pose.
v Maintain the awareness on the torsional stretch of the spine and other
stretches in the body along with the breath throughout the practice.
v After the practice, rest in Savasana.
3. Which fruit are good for cough?
v Lemon. Drinking lemon juice mixed with honey will cure cough.
v Pineapple is a potent cough aid.
v Orange.
v Cough – Fenugreek leaves.
v Cough – Carom (Ajwain) leaves.
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