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Best potatoes for Diabetics

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Diabetes – Questions and answers

1.     Is potato better than rice for diabetes?


Ø Although potatoes are a starchy vegetable, a person with diabetes can still enjoy them as part of a healthful diet.

Ø Sweet potatoes and carisma potatoes are the best types of potatoes for diabetics, as they’re low glycemic index and contain more fibre than white potatoes.

Ø Eat boiled, broiled, grilled and slightly sauteed form of potatoes. Completely avoid mashed and deep fry potatoes. To avoid French fries and potato chips.

Ø Bread: Whole grain bread or Wheat bread.

Ø Blueberries may be one of the most beneficial for people who have, or at risk for, type 2 diabetes.

2.     What is a good diet plan for type 2 diabetes?


1,200 to 1,600 calories/ day.


Whole-wheat bread 1–4 slices with 2 teaspoons jelly + A cup of low-fat milk + A piece of fruit (Guava/ papaya/ kiwi-1/ blackberry-10nos).


Brown rice with chicken caeser salad on a spinach wrap.


Wheat crisp savoury pancake/ unleavened flat bread/ string hopper + Tofu cashew curry/ cauliflower curry.

3.     Can yoga cure type 2 Diabetes?


Asanas for type 2 Diabetes:

1.     Kunal:

Ø Kneel and sit on the yoga mat.

Ø Pour water or gingelly oil into the mouth and swish well and spit it out rapidly. Gingelly oil is best.

Ø Similarly do 2 or 3 times.

2.     Shoulders stand pose (Sarvangasana):

Ø Lie down on the back straight.

Ø Breathe in and breathe out, lift the both legs in the upward direction.

Ø Stop at that point when both legs make a 90-degree angle with the floor.

Ø Make the Uttanpadasana posture.

Ø While exhaling lift the waist; push the legs back over the head.

Ø use both hands for supporting waist.

Ø Get the legs, back, and waist in one straight line.

Ø Stretch the toes towards the sky, keep the eye on the toes.

Ø Hold the position for some time, keep normal breathing.

Ø Slowly get back to initial position.

Ø Repeat this for three to four times.


Ø Beneficial in Diabetes, asthma, liver disorders.

Ø Cures varicose veins and haemorrhoids.

Ø Cures for sexual disorders.

Ø Controls and cures the issues related to genital organs.

Ø Vivified the blood circulatory system, digestive system, and respiratory system.

Ø Useful in problems related to Ears, nose, and throat.

Ø Control and helps to restore seminal fluid loss through night wetting or masturbation.

Ø Beneficial in constipation.

Ø Freshen the thyroid gland; because during pose lots of blood flows towards the throat.

Ø Controls shrinking of skins and wrinkles in the face.

3.     Mountain pose (Tadasana):

Ø Stand with the feet slightly apart and make sure that the weight is balanced equally on both feet.

Ø Inhale, raise the arms above the head, interlock the fingers with palms facing upwards.

Ø Raise the shoulders up towards the ears and on an exhale, roll the shoulders back and down the spine, opening the chest and straightening the posture.

Ø Relax all muscles in the face, including the tongue.

Ø Relax the eyes and maintain a steady gaze.

Ø Come back to normal position and relax.


Ø Beneficial in Diabetes.

Ø It improves posture, opens up the chest and lengthens the spine.

Ø Releases tension from the face.

Ø Gently strengthens the thighs, buttock and leg muscles.

Ø Reduces flat feet and relieves sciatica.

Ø It is also beneficial in increasing awareness and concentration.

4.     Wind-Relieving pose (Pavanamuktasana):

Ø Relax the body completely in base position.

Ø Gradually raise both of the legs and bring the thighs close to the chest as you behind the knees.

Ø Inhale deeply as you perform the above step.

Ø As you exhale, lift the head up bringing the nose as close as you can towards the knees.

Ø Practicing this asana for several weeks will enable you to touch the knees to the chin instead of the nose.

Ø left leg must remain straight on ground.

Ø Hold on to this position for couple of seconds according to your comfort.

Ø Release the hands and legs and bring the head to the mat as return to the base position.

Ø Finally, relax the body as you return to the base position.

Ø Practice the asana at least 3–4 times for better results.


Ø Beneficial in Diabetes.

Ø Pavanmuktasana helps to strengthen the abdominal muscles.

Ø This asana strengthens back muscles as well as tones muscles of legs and arms.

Ø This asana can effectively loosen one’s spinal vertebrae.

Ø Practicing this asana can help in stretching the neck and back.

Ø It can help in relieving constipation, flatulence, impotence, and sterility.

Ø Pavanmuktasana cures constipation, indigestion, diarrhoea and acidity.

Ø This asana can also ease tensions felt around the lower back area.

Ø Pavanmuktasana stimulates reproductive organs and stimulates the pelvic muscles.

5. Grass hopper pose (Salabhasana):

Ø Lie on the yoga mat in a prone position.

Ø Make sure the stomach and the face touch the ground and keep both the legs together.

Ø Hands should be placed under the thighs, along with the body.

Ø Then make sure the chin alone touches the floor.

Ø Inhale breathe deeply and slowly and lift both the legs slowly as much as possible.

Ø Remain in that position for about 20 seconds and then exhale the breath slowly and come back to the normal stage. Inhale for 2 seconds, after lifting the back fully hold it for 4 seconds, then release in 2seconds.


Ø Beneficial in Diabetes.

Ø It helps in correcting the menstrual problems and leads to a normal cycle.

Ø Good remedy for back pain, hip pain problem. Spinal cord will be well strengthened.

Ø It helps to reduce the excessive abdominal muscles.

Ø It gives good solution to constipation problem.

Ø It strengthens the neck muscles and rectifies the neck pain, defects in the neck joints.

Ø It helps in rectifying the urinary disorders and gives relief.

Ø Gives good results for haemorrhoids.


6.     Ardha Masyendrasana (Sitting spinal stretch):

Ø Start Ardha Matsyendrasana by sitting in Dhandasana. Legs must be stretched in front.

Ø Flex the right knee and place the right foot outside the left knee.

Ø Bend the left knee and bring the left foot around the right hip.

Ø Inhale deeply and raise the left arm as you twist the torso. Pass the left arm around the outer edge of the right knee.

Ø Hold the right foot with the left hand so that the right knee is closer to the left armpit.

Ø Inhale deeply and while keeping the back straight, raise the right arm in the front and gaze ahead.

Ø Exhale and continue twisting towards the right.

Ø Fix the gaze towards the right and look past the right shoulder.

Ø Hold the pose for 30-40 seconds.

Ø Return to the starting position and repeat on the left side.


Ø It secrets insulin properly and controls the sugar level in the body.  

Ø Reduces back pain. People with severe back pain should avoid this asana.

Ø Improves digestion.

Ø Hip muscles will decrease.

Ø Weight loss.

Ø Helps the prostate gland to function well.

Ø Helps the kidney to function well.

7.     Bow pose (Dhanurasana):

Ø Lie on the stomach with the feet apart, in line with the hips, and arms by the side of the body.

Ø Fold the knees, take the hands backward, and hold the ankles.

Ø Breathe in, lift the chest off the ground, and pull the legs up and towards the back.

Ø Look straight ahead with a smile on the face.

Ø Keep the pose stable while paying attention to the breath. Body is now curved and as taut as a bow.

Ø Continue to take long, deep breath as you relax in this pose, but bend only as far as your body permits you to. Don’t overdo the stretch.

Ø After 15 to 20 seconds, as you exhale, gently bring the legs and chest to the ground. Release the ankles and relax.


Ø Beneficial in Diabetes.

Ø Menstrual problems for women will be cured.

Ø Body weight will be reduced.

Ø Indigestion and constipation problems will be cured.

Ø Lungs are well strengthened. Thus, will cure cold, sinus and cough problems.

Ø Bedwetting problem in children will be cured.

Ø If there are kidney disorders, it will get better.


Ø People who have ulcer, have undergone stomach surgery should do this asana as per the advice of physiotherapist.


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