When a person does a job that he doesn’t agree with or
feels that he is in a bad situation, his focus and confidence will dissipate.
For many, it is natural to feel tense when facing problems, when facing
challenges, when making important decisions. That in itself, becomes a problem
when it becomes a disease.
When memory and temperance decrease.
When overeating.
When angry too much.
Tension can also occur in people who
have habits such as smoking and drinking.
Only when their personal lives are
affected can they realize that different situation.
They are unable to pay full attention
to the activity they are engaged in.
There will be a feeling of being
restless in a way something constant.
Suddenly they feel like everything is
Excessive sweating, frequent
urination, diarrhea, shortness of breath and insomnia can also occur.
There are several types of tension-
related psychosis. It will be different for everyone.
Generalized anxiety disorder:
They will be scared and crying no matter what. Insomnia, stomach ache, fatigue, restlessness all occur.
Somatic anxiety (Insomnia, hypervigilance, tension).
§ Feeling restless, wound-up, or on-edge. persistent (6months), uncontrollable worrying.
Being easily fatigued.
Having difficulty concentrating.
Being irritable
Having headaches, muscle aches,
stomachaches, or unexplained pains.
Difficulty controlling feelings of
Having sleep problems, such as
difficulty falling or staying asleep.
Panic disorder:
Some will be afraid of whatever they see. They can’t be alone in one place.
Recurring and unexpected anxiety attacks. Fear of another attack occurring.
They even avoid public places for fear of getting into
compulsive disorder:
They will repeat an action.
Beyond the fact that their
actions become a nuisance to others, sometimes they find themselves trapped in
that problem.
Recurrent/ unwanted obsessive thoughts resulting in compulsive rituals to reduce anxiety.
and irrational fears:
It is a kind of fear when they see certain things.
They are afraid of seeing animals, they are afraid of adventure shows.
Social anxiety
disorder (Social Phobia):
Social anxiety disorder is an intense, persistent fear
of being watched and judged by others. People with social anxiety are often very
concerned about visible signs of anxiety, such as blushing or trembling.
and symptoms of social anxiety disorder:
§ Fear of negatively assessable situations. Fear of public scrutiny and humiliation.
Worry about embarrassing or
humiliating themselves.
Intense fear of interacting or
talking with strangers.
Fear that others will notice that
look anxious.
Traumatic stress disorder:
For some, the recollection of old memories can lead to
too much stress. This can be confirmed by symptoms such as the occurrence of
old events in frequent dreams, the neglect of many occasions, and the easy
retreat. This can cause serious physical problems for the victim.
Flashbacks, hypervigilance, depression, numbing after a traumatic event.
When one’s emotional expression is high, it keeps them
tense in all situations. There is also the risk of it becoming some kind of
mental illness, little by little.
ways to reduce tension:
Those who are addicted to smoking and
alcohol should give them up. Doing asanas, breathing exercises, meditation
etc., can reduce the tension.
Enjoying music, being in a quiet
environment, and walking on the grass can also help control a person’s tension.
Living in an environment that brings happiness
and a sense of calm will drive away tension.
Getting enough sleep can relieve
Any matter should be approached with sobriety. Try to
avoid situations that cause tension.
used to treat anxiety and stress:
(Note: These drugs should not be taken without consulting a
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